Romeo and Juliet and their Conflicts

When we study Literature the pieces of work we read raise moral and ethical issues and develop  awareness of other cultures and widen our appreciation of social and cultural issues.

In this project we will focus on The Theme of Conflict.

In the play Romeo and Juliet the theme of conflict is conveyed in many forms, mostly through physical violence; this can clearly be seen in the era of the Renaissance where many European nations were at war. In the play Shakespeare shows conflict in different layers: family versus family, parent versus child and some inner conflicts. Conflict is a key issue in  the play; it is shown in the beginning, middle and end.

In our lives Conflict is inevitable and this may bring along violence and hostile actions from the different members of society. Each person  has his/her own opinions, ideas and beliefs. We have our own ways of seeing things and we act according to what we think is proper. However,  we often find ourselves in conflict in different situations; Sometimes we are the only ones involved, sometimes some other persons are involved or perhaps a group of people. Conflict may influence our actions and decisions .

In the Global Agenda 2030, there is goal 16 that promotes just, peaceful and inclusive societies.As global citizens we should try to reduce all forms of violence especially against children. It is very important that everybody  gets legal identity for all including birth registration. Everybody should have equal access to justice and legal information. Crime and corruption have to be combated and it is essential that Institutions are strengthen so that we can all trust them!

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From an individual perspective,

  • What causes conflicts between you and your family ? And between peers? How are these conflicts best resolved?
  • How can this help us  understand conflict in Romeo and Juliet?
  • Why do  conflicts in Romeo and Juliet begin? Were some conflicts  inevitable?  Are this kind of conflicts usual today?
  • If you consider the SDGs which goal is related to conflict?
  • what  is SDG 16 aiming at? how can we contribute to this global goal from our individual place?

From a local perspective,

  • What are the main conflicts in your country?
  • How are they solved?
  • Are there institutions that help to solve conflicts?
  • what  is SDG 16 aiming at? How can we contribute to this global goal as a country?

From a global perspective,

  • Are there conflicts in the world?
  • Are people tolerant enough to allow people to live with differences?
  • what  is SDG 16 aiming at? how can we contribute to this global goal as global citizens?